Designer. Developer. Writer

I specialise in custom software design and development and content writing

HTML Tailwind CSS JavaScript Vue JS Astro Nuxt WebFlow GraphQL
image of a woman on a computer astro js course p2omo link

Practical Astro JS Course

In this comprehensive course, we will create Astro JS websites. If you want to learn the fastest-growing JavaScript framework for content websites, look no further. Astro JS is a great framework for beginners and professionals alike. As we will not be going to the very basics of Astro JS it is recommended to use this course as more of a portfolio boost to showcase your skills.

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Create an AirBnb Clone Using Astro JS

In this series, we will create the basics of an Airbnb clone using Astro JS. We will learn how to create static listings, dynamic listings, user authenication and intergrate Appwrite.

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image of a woman on a computer astro js course p2omo link

Create an Educational Website using Astro JS

In this series, we will create he basics of an Educational website like Udemy using Astro JS. We will learn how to use Astro's new content layer feature.

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